Make a Christmas Star for your front door or a special place in your home. This metal star will add a spark to your Christmas decorating. It’s an easy Christmas craft.
My friend, Stefanie, gifted me with a large star for my front door. It was so cleverly crafted I ask her if I could share the instructions with you. Thanks Stef for sharing.
Here is the supply list so you can make a Christmas star.
The metal star can be purchased at your local craft store or an import store. There are different sizes, and since they’re made in China by different companies, the sizes will vary. The center elevation will vary from star to star also.
You will need at least 5 pieces of 12″ x 12″ Christmas craft paper. You’ll need to cover 10 surfaces on the metal star. However, you will be repeating 5 papers in order to come up with the 10 total pieces. I love paper so it’s hard to me not to purchase more than I need. However, purchasing a few extra sheets of craft paper will give you better design options.
In addition to the metal star and the Christmas craft paper, you will need a 1″ sponge brush and Mod Podge, (Purchase the Outdoor Mod Podge if you plan to display your Christmas Star outside.) Scissors (You can use a craft cutting machine but I found using the scissors works just fine), a pencil, a plain paper (for your pattern), and a ruler.
Place your plain paper on the star. Apply pressure on one of the narrow sections. Run your finger nail in the creases, and on the top edge so you can plainly see the shape. Place a dot on the three corners. See photo.
Remove the paper and place it flat on the table. Using a ruler, connect all the dots. Using the ruler again, draw another line 1/8″ inside the previously drawn line. This will be your cutting line.
This is step is important. Cut the pattern on the inside line and place a # 1 on one side of the pattern. Place a # 2 on the other side of the pattern.
Select 5 sheets of Christmas paper you want to use. You will be cutting 2 pattern pieces out of each sheet you select. You will cut 5 shapes from each paper using pattern side # 1. Turn the pattern over to the #2 side. Cut another 5 shapes from each of the papers. You should have 10 shapes. 5 should match pattern side #1 and 5 should match pattern side #2.
Each pattern will be place across from each other on the star. Place them around the star loosely. Do you like what you see? Move them around until your satisfied.
You will be using the Mod Podge as the glue. Do one section at a time. Using the sponge brush, dip into the Mod Podge and apply it to a section of the star. (I touched the brush to a bit of water… not much…. and it made it spread a bit easier.) Don’t worry if you get the Mod Podge on other surfaces. This product drys fast so you need to move quickly. Place your pattern piece on a section. You should leave a 1/8″ metal boarder showing, Don’t get to “nuts” with this…. just get it as close as you can.
It’s important that you rub your fingers over the paper to smooth it out to remove all the air bubbles and adhere the paper to the Christmas star.
Continue the above process. Make sure you put a matching piece of Christmas craft paper directly across from each other. When you’re done, allow the Mod Podge to dry for about 20 minutes.
Apply the Mod Podge to the entire star to seal it. Again, if your star is going to be used out doors, use Out Door Mod Podge.
Add ribbon for hanging. You will need from 24″ to 36″ of ribbon depending upon the size of your star. I just used the ribbon I had on hand. You can purchase some fancy Christmas Ribbon if you want. If your star is the very largest one… use a wide ribbon… at least 1 1/2″ wide.
Add to your Christmas Decor by placing the star on your door or a special place in your house. I hung my Christmas star on the door of an old antique cupboard. If your going to use it for a gift… attach one of my Christmas tags on the ribbon.
It is a fun easy craft project. Try it
Till later,
Insightful Nana
P.S. For another easy craft project, go to last years Christmas Magnets. They are easy too.
One response to “Make Christmas Star – Christmas Decorating – Metal Star”
I am found of these type of creativity. Will Be Try It At Home!!!!!!!!