Choices – When Do Kids Choices Really Count?
When do kids choices really count? Or more importantly…do we as parents, teachers and guardians recognize kids choices really count? So often, we adults set up scenarios for our kids to make choices… and when they do… their choices are discounted or invalidated. Hang in there and I’ll explain, using the following example. Each student,…
Parenting: Choose Your Battles Wisely
When I comes to kids, you have to choose your battles wisely. Such was the case this week-end, while I was tending my 4 year old grandson Randall. I was reminded about which battles are important and which are not. Snip! It only take a few seconds and the hair is gone. Randall cut his…
When Do You Take Your Child’s Blanket Away?
Here we go again… When do you take a child’s “blanket,” “snuggie,” “blankie” away from him? I have recently read several debates on the parenting social sites regarding the matter. Some say that when a child turns three years old, “It’s time to grow up.” Others say, “A child will give it up when he’s…