Swine Flu Pandemic Of Fear
There is a Swine Flu Pandemic alright….a pandemic of fear. Give the press a little fodder… and away they go. Look at where all the attention has gone in the last few days. I find it interesting… fear has been the focus across the board for about the last two years…. .and I’m getting…
Back To Basics – Basic Survival Skills – Food
Knowing basic survival skills is really getting back to basics. Sound emergency preparation can relieve your mind and eliminate the fear that comes from not being prepared in case of an individual or a collective hardship. After attending a meeting, on surviving a Pandemic, I decided to include helpful information on this site that will…
Surviving The Recession – A Balancing Act
Surviving the recession, and other scary events play a game in my head. I seem to move from “fear” to “hope” on a regular basis. Part of the fear comes from the fact, I’m not as prepared for “hard times” as I would like to be. Even though I have a 72 hour kit, and…