My Garden Harvest – “Only The Good” Friday
On this “Good Friday”… I want to share my veggie garden harvest. This harvest may not look like a lot to you… but I’m proud! I’ve been harvesting tomatoes for several weeks now … but the cukes are new. Wow! They were hiding under the leaves and I hadn’t noticed. Not a bad yield for…
Pioneer Day In Utah – “Only The Good” Friday
Today is Pioneer Day here in Utah. Completing a treacherous thousand-mile exodus, an ill and exhausted Brigham Young and fellow members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints arrived in Utah’s Great Salt Lake Valley on July 24, 1847. The Mormon pioneers viewed their arrival as the founding of a Mormon homeland, hence Pioneer…
My Country ‘Tis Of Thee – “Only The Good” Friday
“My Country ‘Tis Of Thee,” was taught to my second grade class by my teacher, Miss Hyatt. It’s one of my favorite patriotic songs. The words, “From Every Mountain Side…Let Freedom Ring,” went straight to my heart. Since a grand view of the rocky mountains could be seen from our class room window… I was…
Art Linkletter’s Kids – “Only The Good” Friday
Yea! The sun is out on this “Good” Friday. I was getting a little blue after so much rain… so I turned to You Tube for a bit if entertainment. I love kids… and so did Art Linkletter. I remember going home for lunch from elementary school and watching “Kids Say The Darndest Things,” on…
Virtual Relationships – “Only The Good” Friday
Virtual relationships are made everyday on the Internet. The definition of “Virtual” is interesting. It means “All Most”… “Imitation”… “Computer Generated.” Are the relationships formed on the internet make believe? Are they imitation… artificial? Hmmmmm. Well, I have to confess… I have many Virtual Relationships via the Internet. I love to get to know people…
A Beautiful Sunny Day – “Only The Good” Friday
It’s a beautiful sunny day on this “Good” Friday and I’m trying to get finished up with my planting. It’s been over a week of great weather, which is nice since we had such a cool wet spring. (The wet spring brought on an abundance of Slugs which are making a feast of my Hostas…
Home Gardening – “Only The Good” Friday
On this “Good Friday I want to share my passion for home gardening. As long as I can remember, strolling through a nursery, checking out the flowers and shrubs puts a smile on my face. Apparently, I’m not the only one who gets a “big bang” out of meandering through the begonias, petunias, and…
Charitable Giving Heros – “Only The Good” Friday
Charitable giving is nothing new to Nick Giordano, a teen hero who has contributed thousands of dollars to the “Make A Wish Foundation”… using his unique talent. We all have unique talents we can share… and it does not need to have a monetary value attached to it. Most often, a helping hand, and a…
May Day Traditions – “Only The Good” Friday
May Day traditions began before Christ was born. Celebrating the first day of May has been popular in many countries. The meaning and celebration seems to vary from country to country. In some countries, it is considered a day to honor the working class… much like our “Labor Day” in September. It was also celebrated…
Good Family – “Only The Good” Friday
I came home from the store to find a wonderful surprise… the “Good” family of my son, Wade, came over and cleaned up my backyard after the heavy snowstorm of last week broke off several major limbs. Two other grandsons, (Emily’s boys) came along to help with the fray. They worked hard to get everything …