Tag: kathy griffiths

  • Wheat Storage – Dry Beans and Rice Storage

    Now is the time to invest your wheat storage and other long term dry food storage such as dry beans and rice.  These dry foods are the basics for emergency food storage. The prices were sky high about a year ago, but the cost of dry foods are relatively low at this time. A five…

  • Spring Gardening Information – Gardening Advice

    Spring is on it’s way and warm weather days are tucked in between cold days.  When the sun is out and it’s warm…it’s a good time to get out and do a bit of cleaning up.  A little spring gardening information is in order. 1.  It’s a perfect time to for a general, over all…

  • St. Patrick Coloring Page

    Your St. Patrick Coloring pages are ready for you to download for your kids.  I remember how important holidays were to me as a child.  St. Patrick’s Day was one of my favorites because it was fun to catch the unsuspecting friend who forgot to wear green.  Pinches all around. I’ve often wondered why St.…