Tag: Good Friday

  • 10 “Good” Reasons For Snow In April – “Only The Good” Friday

    Are there 10 “Good” reasons for snow in April?  Yes, of course. If I didn’t look at the “Good” side of it…I might  sit down and cry.  So on this “Only The Good” Friday” I’m going to share with you my reasons for being grateful for snow at this late spring date. I woke up…

  • Good Friday – “Only The Good” Friday

    Since this really is “Good Friday,” I thought I would make it the main focus of my “Only The Good” Friday. Yes, I was there… No… not the original “Good Friday,” … but  I traveled to the Holy Land a number of years ago and the trip remains vivid in my mind.   I want to…

  • “Only The Good” Friday – The Healing Power Of A Little Bird

    Can you relate to the words “Quiet Desperation?  Can you remember a time, for one reason or another, when you wondered if you would emotionally make it?  I have to confess, there have been circumstances that set my life in an fervent a tail spin… one being…  a long and painful divorce.   There were…