Tag: Family

  • Good Family – “Only The Good” Friday

    I came home from the store to find a wonderful surprise… the “Good” family of my son, Wade, came over and cleaned up my backyard after the heavy snowstorm of last week broke off several major limbs.  Two other grandsons, (Emily’s boys) came along to help with the fray.  They worked hard to get everything …

  • We’re In For A Change

    We’re in for a change and I don’t mean on the political scene.  I’m talking about making a change right here at Insightful Nana. For sometime, I’ve wanted to share some information with you and didn’t quite know in which category it belonged.  I’ve finally decided that the information is so important that it needs…

  • The Miracle of Birth – Welcome Rosemary Josephine

    The miracle of birth was witness by me when my son, Brad and his wife Martha had their fourth child. I, along with Molly, the other grandma…were invited into the delivery room. Welcome to our family, Rosemary Josephine. Almost two weeks over due…she arrived at 3:15 yesterday, Aug. 13…bright eyed and bushy tailed. Martha’s past…

  • Enjoy The Present Moment

    “Plenty of people miss their share of happiness, not because they never found it, but because they didn’t stop to enjoy it.” William Feather 1889-1981, Writer Boy… do I understand this one…. Sometimes, I’m so busy with my nose to the grindstone, I don’t appreciate and enjoy all the blessings I receive, my precious family,…