Recipe For Chocolate Brownies – Cooking For A Crowd

This recipe for chocolate brownies has been in our family for over 40 years.  Usually brownie recipes are quite small… but this recipe is a “Cooking For A Crowd” deal.

These chocolate brownies are perfect to take to a gathering.  But don’t expect to take any left-overs home… because they will vanish off the plate in no time at all.  If you want any… you better consider taking a few brownies and hiding them someplace before you leave the house.  Mmmm.  So Good.

Here it goes.

This chocolate brownie recipe makes about sixty 2″ pieces… and is so delicious.  Not only are they good… but they are easy to make and the recipe uses ingredients you already have in your kitchen.  No extra special chocolate.

In a bowl, sift together 2 3/4 C. of flour…  1 C Cocoa…  1 1/2 tes. Baking Powder… 1 1/2 tes. Salt.  I use a wire whip to sift my ingred. together.  Works just fine.

In another bowl put 3 C. Sugar.  I use quite a large bowl because all of your ingredients will in up here.

Measure 1 C Shortening in a small bowl.

Melt the Shortening in the microwave.

Add melted Shortening to the Sugar Mixture and mix well.

Add 6 Eggs and 1 tes. of Vanilla to the Sugar and Shortening mixture.  Mix well.

Add the dry ingred. to the Sugar and Egg mixture.  If you want to add nuts, add them at this time.  About 3/4 Cup is good.

The batter will be thick.  Don’t add any extra liquid… even if your tempted to.  Grease your cookies sheet.

Spread the batter on a 12″by 17″ Cookie sheet.  I use a professional cookies sheet with 1″ sides.  It’s called a “Half Sheet.”  You can purchased them at a kitchen specialty store.  However, I have seen them at Costco and Sam’s club.

Bake at 300 degrees.  This temperature is not as hot as cooking a regular cake.  I bake them from 25 to 30 min.   Don’t over bake…  As soon as a toothpick comes clean from the center of the brownies… they’re done.

Allow them to cool… and top them with the frosting of your choice.  My family like white and chocolate frosting… so I do half and half.  (I do notice the chocolate frosting goes first.)  Maybe it’s just me who likes the Cream Cheese frosting.  You can cut them into about sixty 2″ squares.

Mmmm. So good!


Till Later

Kathy Griffiths

Insightful Nana

P.S.  I’m convinced… once your try this recipe for Chocolate Brownies… .you won’t want to use anything else.  If you want to see me in action, making the brownies… watch the video below.

If you want a printable copy of the Chocolate Brownie Recipe… just fill in your information below and I’ll send you two sizes of the recipe.  Once you’ve given me your information… you won’t have to give it to me again. I’ll automatically send you recipe updates and other fun stuff.

2 responses to “Recipe For Chocolate Brownies – Cooking For A Crowd”

  1. Thankyou for taking the trouble to send me your delecious recipes!
    Appreciate it!!!

    Marianne in Germany