Decorating Ideas For Christmas –

These decorating ideas for Christmas come from my daughter, Emily, and my daughter-in-law Lisa. They always go the extra mile to make sure everything is just right. There homes are always so inviting and warm.

Emily has a real talent for arranging. She starts her Christmas decorating about the middle of November because it takes her so long to get everything up. She has a nice blend of elegant and country. Real eclectic.


Don’t you just love the red table?  It’s a garage sale find, Katie, my daughter found.  Notice the country runner on the table.  It’s a great spot for her elegant arrangement.  On the bottom shelf there are keep sakes from her childhood.  There is a music box we gave her when she was about three years old.   Don’t be afraid to blend country with elegant in your Christmas decorating.


The elegant Christmas decoration is placed over her back door.  Notice the country grape vine and pine cones mixed  with the elegant snowflakes, ornaments and tensile.   What a striking piece to add to her Christmas decor.

Lisa is more of a country Christmas gal mix with a bit of elegance.  Her country Christmas decorating is “down home.”  I always feel so comfortable when I’m in her home.


Lisa is an excellent seamstress and she made this delightful country snowman a few years ago.   It sits next to the fireplace.  Hope he doesn’t melt.  I am fortunate enough to own one.  Her country snowman stocking hanger is backed by a bit of elegance.  What a simple idea.  Just place shiny Christmas balls in an elegant glass container.  What a great blend.


If you have a collection of special Christmas Ornaments you can show then off like Lisa has done.  She used her country coat rack to show off this special assortment of Christmas bears.   She’s hung her Christmas bears in front of country hearts.

As long as you decorate to please yourself and your family, it really doesn’t matter whether you put up country Christmas decorations or Elegant Christmas decorations.  Again, blend the two styles if your want to.  You can see by these decorating ideas for Christmas that it works.

Till Later

Kathy Griffiths

Insightful Nana

P.S.   I’d love to hear from you if your have any decorating ideas for Christmas you would like to share.