A gazing ball can be part of your unique garden decor. Garden ornaments are growing in popularity every year and, I just saw one of the most clever garden gazing ball ideas… so I thought I’d pass it along to you. Perhaps you could add the idea it to your outdoor decor scheme.
Nestled up in a quiet little hamlet about twenty miles from my home is the country cottage of my sister Sheila, and her husband Dew. Their yard is definitely an attention getter…one of those “You just have to see it for yourself” kind of places.
I noticed she had placed a new gazing ball in a garden flower bed behind her home. Her idea definitely fits into the “affordable garden decor” categories… and I like that. Clever and Inexpensive!
On one of her many excursions to her local “Thrift Store,” she spotted an array of bowling balls for sell…some for as little as $1.00. Now that’s a deal.
She haul a couple of balls home… yes, bowling balls… found an old iron stand and placed one of her new finds in her garden. You could have fooled me…in fact she did. I thought it was a real gazing ball until she picked it up to show me it was a bowling ball.
Looks great huh!
I just need to keep my eyes open, my imagination alert and watch for some unique, affordable garden ornaments for my yard.
Till Later
Kathy Griffiths
Insightful Nana
P.S. I wonder if I put a gazing ball in my flower garden… gazed into it… and made a wish that all the Morning Glory would disappear… Do you think it would work? You just never know!