Pioneer Day Celebration

The annual Pioneer Day celebration commemorating the arrival of the Mormon Pioneers into the Salt Lake valley was on held on the 24th of July. The first recognized pioneers entered the Salt Lake valley, under the direction of Brigham Young, on July 24, 1847. (Opps… on the video, I said it was 1843… “beg yer pardon.”) Today, the once dry barren valley, on the edge of a great lake of salt, is a booming, growing metropolis.

My friend, Marie, a native of the Spanish Fork, Ut., called and reminded me that there was fun to be had… on this day of remembrance. The Spanish Fork annual celebration is small but fun… and one that my old nerves can manage. So… three of my grandsons, Wyatt, Glade, and Randall and I ventured south of my home to the festivities.

The four of us wandered among the booths that were selling nic-nacks… bought a couple of things and checked out the great food vendors. The boys settled on Pizza.. (don’t as me why) and… I had a great pulled pork sandwich.

We walked down the street to a historic home that has transported old pioneer log cabins to the property and we found handmade quilts were on display among the pioneer historic relics.

The quilts were made by local ladies and were displayed on the clothes lines and on fences. What a beautiful site to behold. Just look at all the talent, and creativity in one location.

We all found our favorite quilts and the boys, tried their roping skills on mannequin cows.

After we watched a blacksmith at work… and purchased double scoops of homemade ice cream… we headed for home. What a fun day. I love to spend time with my grandkids… “They make my heart happy.”

I often wonder what the pioneers would think of the ease of our day. I’m grateful for their many efforts to make this valley a great place to live an raise a family. With that said, I’m thrilled to be living in this day and age with so many conveniences: air conditioning, central heating, computers, cell phones, air travel, my trusty old car, electricity, grocery stores, Baijo Grill… I could go on forever. I’m just grateful!

Till Later,

Kathy Griffiths

Insightful Nana

P.S. I was standing next to a young girl at a vendor booth who was whining… and I mean whining. You know… that high pitched nasal whine that drives you crazy. The vendor didn’t have any “mood rings” for sell. “Whaaaa!” “Only these stupid necklaces and purses.” Wanted to smack her!

When I meet the Pioneers on the other side of the “pearly gates”… I don’t think they want to hear me whine about petty things. I remember someone saying. “Most of the time, we really don’t have any problems… just inconveniences.” I need to remember that more often.