The Challenge of Caregiving
The challenge of caregiving is keeping your own sanity. I swear, if my mom opens the fridge and says, “What am I going to do with all the cheese?,” one more time, I’m going scream, pull out my hair and run for the piny woods. She can’t remember that she just opened the fridge and…
Aging With Grace
Aging With Grace” could be the motto for my mother and her friend, Mavis. Their anti aging formula of “Keep On Trucking,” has certainly worked for this pair of elderly women. Evelyn, my mom, is 88 years old and Mavis is 89 and, they’re still going strong. Mom’s kept her youth by adhering to healthy…
Grandparents – Birth Of A New Baby
To grandparents, news of the birth of a new baby in the family never seems to loose it’s luster and excitement… as was the case of the news of a new granddaughter to Gene and Janet Latta. I was attending a cooking demonstration being given by Chef Gene Latta when the long awaited call came…
Do You Remember How To Play Croquet?
Do you remember how to play Croquet? Seeing this old Croquet set at my sister Sheila’s home recently, reminded me of all the fun times I had with my neighbor and best friend, Pam Barlow. We set up the backyard croquet game on a regular basis. Sunday afternoons were just the best. Pam’s mom would…
Headed To Feed The Horses With My Grandkids
Today was a fun day. Having two of my grandkids over was such a treat. We learned all about Healthy Eating Habits… For Horses of Course! These little ones… Norah and Abram stayed with me for a few hours while their mom, Martha took Lu Lu to an appointment. We decided we would take a…