Caring For The Elderly – Ease Into Care Giving
Caring for the Elderly may be your lot if your parents don’t pass away young. At some point, you are going to begin helping them with the everyday affairs of life. Your involvement may escalate as they grow older and have more needs. You may find yourself a full-fledged caregiver for one or both of…
Caring For The Elderly
Caring for the elderly is still a family responsibility even amid the talk of long-term-care insurance. Eventually, decisions have to be made by the family concerning the care of aging parents. Rest homes are expensive, so caring for aging parents often falls to family members. Caring for an aging parent in their own home, where…
The Challenge of Caregiving
The challenge of caregiving is keeping your own sanity. I swear, if my mom opens the fridge and says, “What am I going to do with all the cheese?,” one more time, I’m going scream, pull out my hair and run for the piny woods. She can’t remember that she just opened the fridge and…