The Big 40 For Brad
Today is the Big 40 For my oldest son Brad. Boy does time fly. It was just yesterday when I could clearly see that I had a son. November 30, 1968 was a big day for me too.. having a son. I came from a family of 6 girls… so the thought of trucks, baseball,…
Attitude Of Gratitude
An attitude of gratitude fills my heart has we approach the Thanksgiving holiday. Amid all of the economic bluster… of which I, like many others, have been affected… there is much to be grateful for. My family, kids and grands, make my heart sing with happiness and gratitude. They are such good people and live…
Is It Fall Yet?
Is it fall yet? You wouldn’t think so if you saw the beautiful flowers that are still blooming on my front porch. If it weren’t for a little crispness in the air… you would think it’s mid summer. I love begonias. In August, as soon as the weather began to cool down, they came on…
Has Common Sense Gone Out The Window?
Has common sense gone out the window? “Common sense” values was pretty much the theme of Glenn Beck’s address at UVU on Saturday night. I have to admit… I’m a Glenn Beck follower. Sometimes, I have to turn him off when he gets ranting a bit because he just wears me out…. but for the…
We’re In For A Change
We’re in for a change and I don’t mean on the political scene. I’m talking about making a change right here at Insightful Nana. For sometime, I’ve wanted to share some information with you and didn’t quite know in which category it belonged. I’ve finally decided that the information is so important that it needs…
Lead Poisoning and Ceramic Glazed Dishes
Lead poisoning and ceramic glazed dishes remain a concern. Since I received several comments on my post, Lead Poisoning and Crock Pots, I thought I would tackle the subject of Lead Poisoning again. The holidays are approaching and cute holiday dishes will be everywhere. Which dishes can you use with food and which are just…
Early Halloween Party Going On
An early Halloween Blog Party is going on right now and you won’t want to miss it. It’s a party that will last an entire month… What a party! My good friend, Deb Crabtree Lewis is the hostess at her Cottage In The Country and there’s lots of fun activities going on.
Our Family Mountain Retreat – Place Of Peace
Our family mountain retreat in Tabiona, Utah was hard to leave this week-end. The weather had been just beautiful… sunny, clear, calm and a perfect temperature. However, the feeling of fall was in the air, even though the leaves were just beginning to change. Since we had a late spring… everything is about two weeks…
Utah Wildlife In My Yard
Wildlife frequently grace our yard at our mountain retreat in Tabiona, Utah. Cottontail rabbits, chipmunks, deer, and moose come to call often. Yes, moose… are among are our most frequent visitors. I’ve awakened to find a moose cow and a calf chewing on bushes not 3 feet from my head. Thank goodness, there was a…