Category: As I See It

  • May Day Traditions – “Only The Good” Friday

    May Day traditions began before Christ was born.  Celebrating the first day of May has been popular in many countries.  The meaning and celebration seems to vary from country to country.  In some countries, it is considered a day to honor the working class… much like our “Labor Day” in September. It was also celebrated…

  • Swine Flu Pandemic Of Fear

    There is a Swine Flu Pandemic alright….a  pandemic of fear.  Give the press a little fodder… and away they go.   Look at where all the attention has gone in the last few days.  I find it interesting… fear has been the focus across the board for about the last two years…. .and I’m getting…

  • Good Family – “Only The Good” Friday

    I came home from the store to find a wonderful surprise… the “Good” family of my son, Wade, came over and cleaned up my backyard after the heavy snowstorm of last week broke off several major limbs.  Two other grandsons, (Emily’s boys) came along to help with the fray.  They worked hard to get everything …

  • Pirates – By Hook Or Crook

    I didn’t even know Pirates existed in this day and age until a couple of weeks ago.  Yes, call me naive… but that’s the truth.  Have you noticed that since the capture of an American ship off the coast of Somalia how the news is just full of stories about other ships that are being…

  • Belated Easter Egg Hunt

    Our belated Easter egg hunt was fun. Because my kids take their families to the “Other Laws” on Easter, we hold our Easter egg hunt a week later. I filled each egg with candy and a dime… which they all love. They sort out their candy and fill their pockets with the money. They look…

  • 10 “Good” Reasons For Snow In April – “Only The Good” Friday

    Are there 10 “Good” reasons for snow in April?  Yes, of course. If I didn’t look at the “Good” side of it…I might  sit down and cry.  So on this “Only The Good” Friday” I’m going to share with you my reasons for being grateful for snow at this late spring date. I woke up…

  • Lasting Friendships

    The most beautiful discovery true friends make is that they can grow separately without growing apart.  ~Elisabeth Foley Today I met two old friends for lunch; we don’t see each other often… but when we do… it’s like we’ve never parted and we were together just yesterday.  I worked closely with these women for many…

  • Happy Birthday Emily

    Happy Birthday Emily.  My daughter Emily is celebrating her birthday of 36 years.  Boy, does time fly by quickly.   It just seems like yesterday that she came into the world on Friday, the 13th.  Now you may think that Friday, the 13ths is an unlucky day… but I’m here to say… Friday, the 13th luck…

  • Good Friday – “Only The Good” Friday

    Since this really is “Good Friday,” I thought I would make it the main focus of my “Only The Good” Friday. Yes, I was there… No… not the original “Good Friday,” … but  I traveled to the Holy Land a number of years ago and the trip remains vivid in my mind.   I want to…

  • Easter Almond M & M’s Taste The Best

    Did you know that Easter Almond M&M’s taste the best?  Yep.. they do.  Pink, light blue, light green and light yellow M&M’s taste better than the regular colors.   At least… that’s my opinion.   At one time, I worked, as a designer, for a craft company.  Marie Cole, a fellow artist kept a bowl of candy…