Family Reunion Planning
Family reunion planning can get in you in a whole lot of trouble…if you let it. And, I let it. I always offer to do more than I really have time for. Every year I swear I won’t offer to do a thing… but in the planning meeting, my resolve seems to fly off to…
Glenn Beck Book Signing
Did I meet Glenn Beck? Yep… I did. I went to my first book signing… ever… and I met him. I hadn’t meant to do it…but somehow I just ended up there after attending the 4th of July Balloon Fest, the Freedom Festival Parade and lunch at my daughter-in-law’s folks home. I guess I was…
Enjoy The Present Moment
“Plenty of people miss their share of happiness, not because they never found it, but because they didn’t stop to enjoy it.” William Feather 1889-1981, Writer Boy… do I understand this one…. Sometimes, I’m so busy with my nose to the grindstone, I don’t appreciate and enjoy all the blessings I receive, my precious family,…
A Little 4th Of July Trivia
We all know the history of the 4th of July centers around the Declaration Of Independence from the England, the motherland. But…here’s an interesting little story I’d like to share with you on this great day of celebration! So sit back… and enjoy! Benjamin Franklin was the first to be asked by the Continental Congress…
4th Of July Hot Air Balloon Festival
The morning sun had not crested the east mountains at Provo’s 4th of July Hot Air Balloon Festival, when several hundred people gathered to see the launching of the balloons. Me… included. Every year, hot air balloons arrive from all over the country with their pilots and crew to entertain the crowd. Usually, I don’t…
Look at this mess… no kidding… did I ever pull a foolish one. I got into the backend of my site… you know… where all the html stuff is and I accidentally pulled the plug on my site. I’ve been just sick and learned a lesson to keep my mitts off the the html. My…
Glenn Beck at Americas Freedom Festival At Provo
Last night, I went to hear Glenn Beck speak at the “Patriotic Service” sponsored by America’s Freedom Festival at Provo. My friend, Pasty, gave me a call and persuaded me to attend… (I usually avoid large crowds.. but made an exception to my rule… and I’m glad I did.) The evening was filled with singing……
Out Of The Mouths Of Babes
Sweet Ella, my granddaughter, who is six years old, attended church with me last Sunday. She attended her Sunday School class and presented me with this drawing when we returned home. “Out of the mouths of babes.” Take a look… I needn’t say more! Blessings! Till later, Kathy Griffiths Insightful Nana
Cost Of Chinese Fireworks Explodes
Yesterday, I was in Costo and noticed a fireworks display. Wow! The cost of Chinese fireworks explodes! Last year you could purchase a giant box of fireworks for about $69.00 at the discount stores. Now the the price is up about 30 percent. The media claims that fewer fireworks are being shipped from China this…
Here’s a Bunch Of Crocs
You’d think a bunch of people live at my house by the looks of my back door step. Just look at those shoes. But nope… it’s just me. I just love “Crocs”… so comfortable. When my kids gave me a pair for mother’s day a few years ago… they sat in the closet for a…