Squidoo Queen is a perfect name for baby boomer Joan Adams… She maintains she’s going to have 100 Squidoo Lenses up before the end of the year… and at the rate she’s going…she’ll make it.
I first met Joan by seeing her photo on Pat O’Bryan’s Internet Marketing forum chat site. I liked the way she looked… kind, and fun. (Besides, she and I are in the same baby boomer category and, that has to count for something.) Her comments on the forum were thoughtful. So, I watched her from a far for awhile until I contacted her by e-mail. Soon we were visiting by phone.
This photo is of Joan and her boomer sisters… They’re know as the “Tate Girls” and originally come from Pendleton, South Carolina. From left to right is: Nancy, Joan and Betty. You can almost hear their southern accent.
Both Joan and I, being newbies to the Internet Marketing world, had lots to discuss and sort out… mainly getting our “mature” brains working out all the tech stuff. What a challenge. She, and her sister Betty, wrote an e-book called, Banish The Blahs And Be Happy and offer a free work book called, Ten By Ten Workbook. Joan put up a blog and a web site … but seems to have settled in to writing Squidoo Lenses. A boomer woman on the go.
At the present time, Joan has 53 lenses and her interests range from the Legally Blind Golfer… to Tailgating Recipes (of which I am proud to be a contributor) to music of the 50’s. Oh, the memories I had when I listen to the Platters … “Only You”. Go see. You need to check out all of Joan’s Squidoo lenses. Such a treat!
Her sister, Nancy, has also created Squidoo Lenses… and a favorite of mine is, Greeting Cards For Fun.
The point of all this being… we’re never to old to change gears and do something interesting and challenging. In fact, because Joan is a Boomer, she has lots of entertaining experiences to draw from… she’ll never run out of ideas.
Just who says young folks have all the fun!
Thanks, Joan Betty, and Nancy, for being great examples to the rest of us baby boomers.
Till later
Kathy Griffiths
Insightful Nana
P.S. Joan has been encouraging me to put up a Squidoo lens… perhaps a recipe or two. Hmmmm… just might do that. It really looks fun!
10 responses to “Squidoo Queen – Baby Boomer Joan Adams”
Looks like happy squidoooing…. I love all this internet stuff. esp since it has enabled me to spread the word about my book FOr Kids 59.99 and Over..finally has been released..I have met some wonderful people and have lots of new contacts for friendship and biz. The networking possibilities are great and I have enjoyed helping others also.
Very great site…keep up great work…carol stanley http://www.carolstanley1.com
This article is such fun! The Tate Girls on your beautiful website! I feel so honored! Thank you!
And yes, again, you gotta make some Squidoo lenses with these beautiful recipes! Warning: Squidoo is major addictive!
Enjoying and relishing the thoughts of the 3 of us on your site! You made my day! Betty and Nancy will love it!
It’s great seeing Joan and her sisters recognized for all they’re doing these days.
I consider her Legally Blind Golfer to be one of the most inspiring Squidoo lenses I’ve ever read and I applaud Whitey for all he does and Joan for sharing the story.
It’s been great watching the success of her lens about Pendleton, SC. It’s a small town not too far from where I live and I think she and her sisters have done a real service for the town and the people who live there.
Joan was one of the first members of the Squidoo Marketing community I created a few months ago and it’s always interesting to “talk” to her and watch her progress in the challenging online marketing world.
I’m looking forward to seeing what she does in the coming months.
Way to go, Joan, you’ve earned the recognition and I’m happy to see others talking so nicely about you.
Act on your dream!
I have got to know Joan over the last few weeks via my book and sites… she is a great person and so helpful.
Joan is a Squidoo Queen and a Squidoo Crusader. Thanks to Joan’s encouragement, her sister Nancy is a Squidooer who is now running into her own adventures. No telling who these ladies will convert next!
All of that is great, but what I admire most is that Joan is a Boomer who seems to know that if you don’t use it, you lose it. I admire the pluck and strength it takes to come online with an open mind for learning and an open heart for giving. Thank you, Joan for being Joan.
Enjoyed the article 🙂
Hello there!
If you guys think the Tate girls are special, you are “right on the money”!!!!!!!!!! …..I am one of the many fortunate cousins who watched them grow up!!!!!!! How blessed can a person be, eh!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And you know what!!!!!!!! As children, they were every bit as energetic, creative and personable as they are now!!!!!!! .. happy little creatures, running around all over the neighborhood making people smile! ….You might say they have evolved into “mature” versions of their very own brand of childlike enthusiasm.!!!!!!!!!! They will never grow old!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I thank God for them and for the Godly examples their parents. The love their parents shared with one another
set the tone for these precious girls’ loving relationships.
I hope they keep on writing and sharing.
Everything they do and say is laced with homespun philosphy and loving spirit……..I am so VERY proud of them…….all three. Maybe, their zest for life will be contagious, eh!
Thank you, Lord, for my cousins, Joan and Betty and Nancy.
They are the greatest!
sister jones
keep on writing and sharing, dears! you make me mighty proud!!!!!!
Wow, I guess we are going to have to give Joan the Queen Crown. What do you say, Betty? We let a sister be Queen only for special occasions and I think this one would qualify.
I am the youngest of the three Tate Sisters and I assure you that it hasn’t been easy following in their footsteps. I am so proud of both my sisters. They continue to amaze me and I continue to learn from them.
Thank you for recognizing Joan’s talents and heart.
All the Tate sisters look like a lot of fun! Your Squidoo Lens are loads of fun. Well done!
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I love Squidoo. It’s All About Squidoo for me. Any phrase with the words “Squidoo Queen” gets my attention since I recently wrote a “Squidoo Queen Review”. The Squidoo Queen – Baby Boomer Joan Adams is a great post. It wonderful to see how friendly Squidoo Lenscrafters can be and how supportive the Squidoo community members are to each other.
Yes, Squidoo is fun! I agree, you should create a Squidoo recipe or two lens. I just created a new blog and added a speaking voice. It really brings the introduction of my Squidoo Queen Review to life. So, there are so many fun and interesting things that can be done with Squidoo lenses.