Twas The Night Before Christmas and all thru our house, we were thinking of fun things to do.
5 Night Before Christmas Activities.
1. Open one gift. As children, my sisters and I would gather around the Christmas tree and wait for Mom to hand us the one gift we could open before Christmas. Of course, we all knew what it was… it was no secret. Wrapped in white tissue paper, were pajamas our Grandma Ella had made. They were made from flannel and were so cozy. We loved them. It was our tradition to enter the living room Christmas morning with our new pajamas on. What memories.
2. Go through neighborhoods and view the lights. When I was a child, lights were not prominent on every house. We had one abundant area in town and several families decorated the outside of their homes with a strand of lights. We called it “Snob Hill. It was a treat to go for a ride to “see the lights.” Afterward, we often would stop for a bit of ice cream on the way home.
3. Bake cookies and place them on someone’s door step, ring the door bell and run. One Christmas, when I was eight, we had cookies delivered to our door step on Christmas Eve. We were so surprised! They were sugar cookies decorated with frosting and colored sugar crystals. I knew who ever baked the cookies had to be rich because they could afford to put colored sugar on top of the frosting.
4. Go Christmas Caroling. It was so exciting to run to the door when your heard voices singing Silent Night, or some other traditional Christmas Carol. I usually went with friends to carol at the neighbor’s door step because it was not a practice that my family participated in. It seems like it’s a tradition that has lost its way the last few years. I wish the practice would return.
5. Gather the family around and read about the birth of Christ in the bible or watch a movie about the Nativity. After all… isn’t this what Christmas is all about? I want to share with you the following short video of the Nativity. It’s so well done… you won’t want to miss it. I have a copy and we watch it every Christmas Eve.
Till Later,
Insightful Nana
P.S. Have a lovely Night Before Christmas.