The Word “Challenge” Is A Verb As Well As A Noun

The word “Challenge” is a verb as well as a noun.

The noun definition is: A call to take part in a contest,  competition or project, esp. a duel. “He accepted the challenge.”

The verb definition is:
Invite (someone) to do something that one thinks will be difficult or impossible, dare:  “She challenged everyone to write a blog post every day.”


This past month I have participated in a Blog Challenge initiated by internet marketer,  Connie Regan Green. She challenged everyone who wanted to participate in the project… to blog everyday for a month. (Verb)

More than 112 people accepted the “challenge” (Noun)….However, according to Connie, only 14 to 18 will make it to the finish line. (Verb)

I’m happy to announce that I crossed the 31 day finish line today.

I have experienced several emotions during the challenge of the last 31 days.  They have ranged from excitement, to exasperation, to board-um, back to excitement and finally relief.  Do I regret accepting the challenge?  Absolutely not… and these are the reasons why.

1.  It has forced me to post to my blog daily.  Now I am motivated to take the same effort and  put it toward consistent articles and blog posts.

2.  It confirms to me that that I have the tenacity to stick to a project and complete a goal or cycle.

3.  There’s been wonderful feeling of comradeship with those who have participated.   The following terrific folks have been so supportive.  They’ve either commented on my blog, twittered my posts or both.   Sheila AtwoodClaus JensenGeoff HoffAndy DolphSuzie CheelKelly Maria Clark –  Crystal –  Mike Shippey and of course Connie Green.

I will be tweeting and commenting on their blogs well into the future.  You should check them out too!

The journey has been rewarding!

And,  a special thanks  to Connie Regan Green… for the Challenge… it was difficult at times (because of Christmas)  … but not impossible.

Til Later,

Kathy Griffiths
Insightful Nana

P.S.  Hey… don’t invite me to participate in another challenge anytime soon…I’m going to be pretty busy spreading myself between several blogs and writing articles…. everyday.

6 responses to “The Word “Challenge” Is A Verb As Well As A Noun”

  1. Well done!

    I appreciate your support too.

    This is the second 30 challenge I completed this year. I learned a lot. I actually set a new blog I had been wanting to start and the challenge worked out perfect.


  2. Thank you also for your support. This challenge has been an eye opener for me. I have realized quite emphatically that I do have something to say, and that I can say it well. It has also suggested a new book and given me tons of material for that book, a book on th myths that writers (and artists) carry around with them that stifle their creative flow.

    I’m looking forward to getting that book done, to continuing to post on my blog (not every day, though) to turning my blog posts into articles, and to visiting all my new friends when they blog.

  3. Yes indeed, this has been a great experience to be a part of. Thank you so much for all your support, and I have very much enjoyed reading your posts.

    Onward and upward in blogging.


  4. Dear Kathryn, I’m not quite sure how I happened upon your blog to begin with, but I love it. I have it bookmarked and check in several times each week. I didn’t realize you were involved in a challenge, but I hope you keep writing often. I love your ideas and reflections. Thanks for sharing with friends and strangers alike!