Holiday Christmas traditions have become a big deal in our family. Through the years, we’ve added so many that I can’t keep track of them all. In fact, there are a few Christmas traditions I didn’t know existed until one the grands told me.
For instance… for several years, I’ve added crackers and cheese to the grands Christmas bags. It started out as being just a little filler in the bag. Now… heavens forbid… if I should forget to add them to each child’s Christmas Bag… along with their own can of Mandarin Oranges or Smoked Oysters. “It’s a tradition, Nana.”
Last night was our extended family Holiday Christmas party. I thought it would be fun for everyone to bring their favorite Mexican dish. “Great idea, but your still going to make Sweet and Sour Meat Ball aren’t you?” “What, no Sweet and Sour Meat Balls?” “It’s a Christmas tradition!” Oh dear, I didn’t know it was a tradition but I added Sweet and Sour Meat Balls to my part of the fare.
A few other traditions ended up on the food table… like Emily’s stuffed mushrooms, a baked ham, and Sheila’s rich Chocolate Brownie Triffle. No one seemed to mind that these traditional Christmas foods ended up with the Beef Enchiladas, Chicken Enchiladas, Shredded Pork and Chili Rellenos on the table.
Still have shopping to do. Last night, six year old Randall said, “Nana, I sure hope I get my own bottle of Martinelli in my bag again this year. (A none alcoholic cider that is popular in our area.) Oh dear… another tradition.
Till Later,
Insightful Nana
P.S. Do you have a favorite Holiday Christmas Tradition?