Happy Birthday Katie

My baby, Katie, is having a birthday.  Alright… she’s not a baby anymore… she’s going on…. well… you know… “thirty something.”  But… she’ll always be my baby… and by the way… my baby is going to have a baby in a few days.

This photo is as far as I got in trying to snap a picture of her for this blog.  Little Claire didn’t mind being photographed… but mom… no way.

Speaking of photographs… check out Katie’s blog for beautiful photos. You’ll be impressed!   She a professional with a great style.  She’s a very busy photographer and after a short leave of absence…will continue snapping pictures.

She is the proud mom of two little girls…Ella, age 6 and Clare age 4.  They are going to have a little boy join the family and he will have 3 moms… and one dad…Mark!

Happy Birthday Katie… I love you!

Till Later

Kathy Griffiths

Insightful Nana

P.S.  This new baby will be my 15th grandchild… and boy am I happy… love those grandkids!