The family Halloween parade came marching through my front door with great Halloween costumes on. Besides all the fun costumes and good Halloween treats, it’s the first annual lighting of the fire in the fireplace. Glade, age 9, chopped wood a couple of weeks ago. It guaranteed him the honor of building the first fire of the year. Besides showing off their costumes, I think my famous “Bean Soup” is another reason they all show up to celebrate. My son, Wade, is afraid I’ll go to my grave without sharing the recipe. Perhaps he’s right!
However, I will share this year’s Halloween Parade with you. Clever costumes and super grands!
Wonder Woman Norah, age 6, was the first to show up. What a beauty!
Next came Bat Woman Lu, age 5. She’s quite a show woman. I love the mask.
Abram has been wearing his Spider Man costume for a month now. His mom, Martha has not been able to get him to take it off…. so the folks at the grocery store, and the gas station have had a Halloween preview.
Little Rosemary, age 1, has just learned to walk. She pranced around as Super woman.
Brad, their dad, always shows up with a clever costume. This year, the “Joker” stopped in at Costco and had all the kids following him around. You might say he was the “Pied Piper” of Costco
Clever Mom made the girl’s costumes. Well done Martha.
The Neff family showed up next. Wyatt, age 13… and McKenize, age 15, were “were cross dressers. Wyatt is a pretty good looking gal… don’t you agree?
Glade, age 9, is a fan of Paton Manning… Can you tell?
Mom, Emily said she spent hours on her face paint.. placing all those shiny stones and all. Pretty good looking ghost if you ask me.
Now where is Randall? He took the “hot thing” off as soon as he got his candy bag full.
The Benson Family popped in next. Claire, age 5, was the “Queen Of Hearts.” Love those heart lips
Ella, age 7, is one great looking bride. Look at those eyes.
Now have you ever seen a cuter owl? Beck, age 1, stole the show. Those glasses are just a “Hoot.”
Now, mom and dad, Katie and Mark, are one scary couple. They went to a party the night before in these costumes and won the Prize. Do you think the judges may have felt a little threatened?
This scary creature came though the back door and scared us all to death. Wade’a costume is always a surprise.
Braden, age 12, is a “What” or is it a “Who?”
Barrett, age 9, brings back a lot of memories for me. I’m a “60’s gal.”
Josie, age 7, has the sweetest face… even with all this make up on .
Landon, age 5, is one cool kid… even under all that fur.
Mom, Lisa, opted out this year.
We’ll end our parade with these cute photos. Rosemary and Kenzie … then these three beautiful women… Ella, Claire, and Norah.
Hope you had as much fun at your Halloween Party as we did at ours.
Till Later,
Insightful Nana
P.S. Hope you enjoyed our Halloween Costume Parade. Where was my costume? Well, you know… the “Witch” in me shows up every now and again… quite unannounced. No sense in giving away my cover.
2 responses to “Great Halloween Costumes”
Looks like lots of spooky fun! That is quiet a parade. You are fortunate to have all your family so close.
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