Living At Base Of The Rocky Mountains – Only The Good Friday

Living at the base of the Rocky Mountains often goes unappreciated by me.  That is until I look up and see the grandeur of Mt. Timpanogus  covered with snow.  Timp… the  magnificent protector…looms over our little valley here in Utah.   It is an unusual mountain because you can view the front side of the mountain one minute… and ten minutes later you can be on the other side, enjoying a completely different perspective.  I live on the front or city side of the mountain… and my sister, Sheila enjoys the view from the backside or country side .  We debate on who has the best vista.


After leaving her home the other day and rounding the corner,  the backside of the mount  came into full view.   Wow… I couldn’t resist jumping out of my car and taking this shot of Timp, the clear blue sky, white snow and the red barn in the foreground. I’ll have to admit… on this day… Sheila’s argument for beauty won.


However… look at view that greets me every time I round the corner away from my house. As the seasons change… so does the face of the mountain… and the winter perspective is one of my favorites.

The debate is over… I think we’re both right… don’t you?

On this “Only The Good” Friday,  I wanted to share with you two perspectives of  this majestic mountain which uplifts my soul.

On this day, we share many points of view of what is good and great.  Check out a few of my friends who want to share their gift of the”Good.”  Sheila and     Shelly and    Karina and     Mo   

If you want to join my list of “Only The Good Friday” friends…. all you have to do is post a “Good Friday” message on your site and leave me a comment and I’ll include you in my list.

Till Later

Kathy Griffiths
Insightful Nana

P.S.  In between my house and Shiela’s is the turn off to the famous Sundance.   The Sundance view is the backside of Timp at closer range.  I’ll share that view of Timpanogus  with you at at later time.  It’s a magnificent perspective too.

P.P.S. Have a “Good Friday.” Look around and see what is great and good in your neighborhood.

6 responses to “Living At Base Of The Rocky Mountains – Only The Good Friday”

  1. Through out my day, I am greeted with a view of Sunrise Mountain to the east & The Red Rock Mountain Range to the west.
    I have spent much time on Utah roads and know your landscape well. Your pictures are beautiful and have me itching for a road trip