Yesterday, I was in Costo and noticed a fireworks display. Wow! The cost of Chinese fireworks explodes! Last year you could purchase a giant box of fireworks for about $69.00 at the discount stores. Now the the price is up about 30 percent.
The media claims that fewer fireworks are being shipped from China this year. The claim is that fewer Chinese fireworks are being made… because of the danger… and ships, carrying the explosive cargo, are back off transporting the stuff that goes “boom.”
It’s hard to know what to believe these days. It doesn’t make sense to me that the Chinese, after thousands of years of producing the explosives, are now deciding to produce less because they’re dangerous to make. Since when was China concerned with human rights… let along employee protection at firework factories? When I was there, employee protection was minimal in most of the factories visited.
Provo Utah’s Freedom Festival celebration, who has one of the largest firework displays in the nation, had no problem receiving their shipment for this year’s firework show. Hmmm!
What ever the reason for the increase in price for fireworks, we all are at the effect of rising prices. Anyone and everyone seems to be jumping on the bandwagon to increase the prices of their products.
Makes you wonder…when it will end.
Till Later
Kathy Griffiths
P.S. For me… I guess we’ll be sticking with cheap sparklers and the few left over fireworks from last year. Sorry kids… short show.