Buying Online can be risky business, especially during the holiday season. Here are 10 tips that may be helpful for shopping on line no matter what season your buying for.
1. Compare prices. It’s easy to do… Just google the item your looking for and various retailers should pop up.
2. Research the seller. Make sure you have the the sellers physical address and phone number in case there are problems. Try calling the number before you buy… and if no one answers or you get a answering machine… beware.
3. Make sure you have the latest firewall and anti-virus software on your computer. During busy shopping seasons, viruses run rampant through the internet. (Good reason for having a Mac…. no viruses.)
4. Look for indicators that the site is secure. Look for an “s” after the http:// in the URL address bar. Even though this is not full proof, it helps.
5. Don’t e-mail information like your credit card or checking account number. Scammers will use this method.
6. Don’t send cash or wire money for your payment. Pay by credit card… even when using Pay Pal. Your credit card company will help you retrieve your money if you don’t receive your item.
7. Keep a paper trail and save all your records of your online transaction. Include the product description, price, receipt and any e-mails your receive or send.
8. Review the return policy and deliver rates. Make sure you’re aware of who pays for shipping.
9. Beware of ridiculously low prices. Scammers entice victims with low prices.
10. Have the company confirm that your product will be delivered by the due date you need your purchase.
Buying online is certainly convenient. Online Christmas shopping is up 25% from last year… so buying on line is popular. Be wise… be safe.
Till Later,
Kathy Griffiths
Insightful Nana
P.S. I recently had a company ask me to fax all of my information including my credit card. No way! Of course, I didn’t purchase the items I was looking for.
2 responses to “Buying Online – 10 Tips For Shopping Online”
Hi Kathy, cool advice for secure online shopping!
These are some great tips Kathy!! Perfect time of year to hone up on our ourline shopping skills!!
Your blog theme is beautiful and looks very fun and full of energy!! Keep up the great work!!