Behind The Facade Of China Olympics – Scratching Out A Living

Behind the facade of the China Olympics, millions are scratching out a living… burdened by hard labor.

The factory workers of China probably have it pretty good, compared to millions of folks who can’t leave their villages to travel to the coastal areas and big cities where most of the factories are located. Most of China is rural… and the people are subject to harsh conditions and hard labor… at least by U.S. standards.

Our party arrived at a particular country hotel late in the the evening. I was surprise to see such a nice hotel out in a rural area. We were told that the hotel was new and many American and European business men and women stayed there… and of course… China government officials.

Very early the next morning, my boss, and our interpreter invited me and another designer, Marie, to join them in a little hike. We walked across the street, around a bend and there before our eyes was
a scene so foreign that I felt like I had stepped back into another century… to the old China I had read about in story books.

We entered an old cemetery that was build on the side of a mountain. A steep stairway went to the top flanked by large above ground tombs. These above ground tombs are opened when a family members dies. I guess I assumed that the people would be buried underground… boy was I wrong.

At the entrance, we passed a gentleman who was busy chiseling a plaque or decoration for a tomb…by hand no less. No power tools here. (They must have sent all the power tools to Home Depot… not any left to supply the workers of China.)

These folks were lined up getting ready for their days labor… and I mean labor. The goal? Packing these bags of cement and materials to the top of the mountain. You have to be kidding. Note the young woman in the middle of the photo.

Here goes the first worker… with a few supplies. I was tired already

These bags of cement weight about 100 lbs. each. Notice the young lady. They make up to 20 trips a day… climbing hundreds of stairs. I don’t think they’d like to hear us complain about a “hard day at the office.”

The path was steep. Just getting up this high in order to take these photos wore me out… and these workers were just getting started for the day.

My question is this. Why are there conditions such as this… in a country that provides so many products that make our lives so easy? Why can’t the workers in China have a few of the same conveniences?

The hotel we stayed in proves that there is the ability to make conditions different for the masses. It seems to me that the only time convenience and luxury is apparent… is when someone is trying to impress others….kind of like the China Olympics wouldn’t you say? What a facade.

I’m not impress with a government that goes to such lengths to impress the world when it’s own people suffer from the lack of conveniences that would make their lives easier.

It doesn’t speak very highly for a “socialized government.”

I’m grateful to be living in the United States…. and I’m for protecting our liberties at all costs… what about you?

Till Later

Kathy Griffiths

Insightful Nana

P.S. One last photo of “scratching out a living in China.” This barefoot woman was breaking dirt clods with a hoe so she could plant a little garden. Just look at the size of those things. You see… all the roto tillers were sent to Home Depot… not one left for the average citizen of China.

2 responses to “Behind The Facade Of China Olympics – Scratching Out A Living”

  1. Your descriptions of living/work conditions in China are right on.

    I remember being in the country, with nothing but fields in every direction. Each little field was a plot that was being tended by someone. Even in the middle of nowhere China, there were people.

    The Chinese children never failed to greet us with a “hello!” So many times in fact I thought I responded 10,000 times one day! It’s hard not to respond to a child being friendly, no matter how many times you are greeted.

    I hope these children live to see improvements in their country. I’m sure over time they will. Communism doesn’t work.